Thursday, January 25, 2007

Passage with Significance to me

"I tried to summon courage, the same courage God had given me for past crises, but it was gone, already disintegration g inside a cocoon of despair. I pressed my spirit naked against God, that He might conceive new courage within me. He conceived it and it grew, actually feeding on the despair that killed its predecessor In a few moments it was ready to be born in action. (209)" This is important to me because a lot of times, I feel like this I feel as if I don't have the courage to do what God wants me to do. I know he wants me to be a witness at this school, he wants me to glorify him in my living. But you know how hard that is. To dedicate your body and soul to someone you cannot see. Sometimes the only way I can get by is by drawing near to God and asking him for help. I know that if I don't do that, there is no possible way I can live this life. When struggles come, and they do come, I have to respond to them. One way I can respond is to act angry and hate everyone around me that day, or I can love everyone that day. The latter is more difficult, but its always better. that one God will give you courage if you do it. He will give you the power to resist temptation, so you can find a way from under it.


African Globe Trotters. said...

David let me encourage you. I hope that reading the comments others have posted encourages you to see how effective your ministry at school is. Remember that God says: “Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). Mrs.Mc

The Dependant / Bboy [恩] Un- said...

i so agree with what you said here. most times we feel so cowardly because we know what we are supposed to do but just at that one small gap in time we deceive ourselves and justify our actions (or non-actions). funny because we regret it the moment after or we know it's false all along but refuse to admit. i dont know reading this post i just thought it was so me. or that i could relate to it really well at least. i want to live a fully dedicated life to him because i know that is the only way out but i falter so often. its an irony that the job i wish to have later on is helping other people to live a more fulfilling life. how different can it be? hope we both live our best lives from now on :) or try to :P

lucy said...

Dave. You are truly my hero. With no doubt. :] remember you saved me once during thanksgiving break?
hehe I love you blog!!! i was feeling really tired these days,
and realized how i didn't ask God for courage and strength.
so i think reading bible and praying at all time is so important.. We need lot of prayer and need to read bible cos we cant
do things our self if we have no God helping us out. and we should help each other to encourage each other for doing what God wants us to do with courage. :]
help me out hero~~~ :]<333
oh oh and we should make
another music video during lunar!!! how exciting!!!!!yea!!!;]