Sunday, January 21, 2007

Interesting Ritual

I would say that the Waness ritual is the more surprising one. I mean, if you think about it, why in the world would the Sawi choose a ritual where the genitals are involved like that. They go around practically naked, and to have a ritual in which touching the genitals is forbidden or disgraceful. But the go around having that possibility all the time. To make something that serious, and yet so possible, is amazing. And another things that startled me is where the Waness ritual can from. Did it start from some sort of new legend maker who said that we should have a ritual in which we can later deceive all of mankind? Probably not. But what I think is the case is that the Sawi had a bit of the Gospel planted in their culture. Just like many other cultures had different rituals that were in relation to the bible. Don Richardson talked about that in his book, Eternity in Their Hearts. They knew somewhere deep down that just as Adam and Eve knew they were naked, so the Sawi also know that they need to respect their private parts, because in part the are ashamed to be naked. That also links off to the peace child, and how even though they had not been influenced by a lot of other events, they had these striking parallel to the bible. Who would have thought that some tribe would use a peace child, just as God used a Peace child for us?

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Love the reference to Eternity in the hearts. This is a key element to the novel. Great Job!!!
Check your spelling. Mrs.Mc.