What would the world be like if there was no faith. Would we act the same, live the same? I doubt it. Faith is crucial to the human body, we cannot survive without it. God made us that way. What if I had no faith. I could not believe anything. I would come home from school, lock my door, and not even open my door for my roommate, assuming that he would do something to me. You see, I would not trust my roommate. Faith is trust, and without trust we couldn’t live. We are confronted by evil on a everyday basis. If we cannot trust that somehow, someway, we would get through our struggles, everyone would commit suicide. If Don didn’t know that somehow, God would stick up for him and make sure he got through his struggles, Don would have given up, and went back to America. But Don believed, despite how the existence of him was so fragile, that the Sawi could and would be brought to know Christ. Imagine what the world would be like for the Sawi had their been no faith. They would be living in a endless bubble of treachery and hate, because no one trusts God well enough to let his love do the work. But people do trust God to work wonders, and because of that, worlds are changed. Jesus himself didn’t work wonders in his hometown because they had little faith. If we don’t have faith, nothing will happen.
Wow David. The way you relate faith to trust amazes me. "Faith is trust, and without trust we couldn’t live." That statement is so true. I think about the people that I don't trust, and multiply that by billions, I could never live in a world like that. Sometimes it amazes me when people say they have no faith. Doesn't everyone believe in something? Usually if you dig deep, you do have faith in something, if that means you have faith in having faith in nothing. Faith is something to me is something that is necessary to live. Maybe my friend is right when she says "faith is for the weak". But aren't we all weak?
It really amazed me how much the Sawi tribe changed after Don Richardson presented them with an idea of faith in God. For the longest times they were "living in a endless bubble of treachery and hate", but now they have changed and become a more trustworthy society.
Thanks for opening my eyes to a new way of viewing faith :)
Hmmm...David, that is simply awe inspiring. I guess being a carefree person, I still do not identify with faith at a spiritual level. I am not really an atheist, but after reading your article I definitely realize how important it is to have an ideal, a conviction to believe in ! Probably this will take time, but I guess I might be able to connect with Faith at a higher level. It is clearly evident that you put in a lot of thought into this article. AMAZING !!!
David, I am delighted that you are galvanizing your peers! Hannah: Bia pointed out that Stalin said "Faith is a crutch for the weak" but I think it is easier to not believe in anything because it requires no effort. Faith however requires reslove, strength and the wisdom to acknowledge that we are so insignificant in this big world that our entire exsistence has to be designed by God. Mrs.MC.
Since I'm not a Christian, I can't really identify with your faith in God, but I still agree with you that a world without any faith at all would be a horrible place to live. On the other hand, having more faith in yourself instead of relying on other people so much may not be such a bad thing.
Good point. Faith is required in our everyday life. But in some ways, it seems that faith can be tricky and deceiving. It might be just a piece of rock or it might be a diamond when we find it. Maybe that's why Stalin noted it as a crutch for the mentally weak (actually i think Marx and Lenin said it first). Because faith is a crutch since we all are weak and need a little more room to live. Human faith in material things are going to crumble, in fact, they already crumbled. True faith, then, is a crutch for the challenged to overcome boundaries and obstacles and learn how to walk one day.
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