Thursday, January 18, 2007

Changing Cultures

There are a number of things to do when we encounter a culture most unlike our own. The first thing we could do is just immediately regard them as stupid and non-human, much like what traders considered Africans. But just as Africans really didn’t learn anything from the traders except hate, so a cultural will not learn anything from you if regard it as less then you. Lets look at what Don and Carol did. They came in and built a house on a Sawi river without protection. They were EXPOSED. The Sawi could do anything they wanted to Carol or Don. The missionaries didn’t get afraid and instead settled down there, even with the warnings from other tribes. Despite the horror things that continued to go around them, such as bloody fights, a alive man claimed death, and a possible death of their own among crocodiles, they did not give up. Instead of trying to change the cultural to fit the gospel. Don brought the gospel to the Sawi in their own way. He did not try and change their culture. Instead, he tried to change their beliefs. I believe that’s what all of us should do. Instead of trying to put natives in tuxedo’s and putting them in houses and beds, we need to respect how they grew up. You alone cannot change an entire culture, but you can change yourself to accept them. You cannot change the way they live, but you can change your views on what is right.


African Globe Trotters. said...

David - you are showing some real insight. I think this idea of "clash of cultures" lives in our prejudices - It takes the eyes of God to see each other as our Lord does. A really thought provoking post. Have fun. Mrs.Mc.

repete89 said...

I really liked your views on how to break the cultural barriers. Especially in exposing your self. The picture of dressing the Sawi in tuxedos put a great picture in my head! It truly isnt a matter of changing their culture but changing the beliefs, and naturally the good aspects of there culture will stay and eventually the evil aspects will fall away. Great job!