Saturday, January 27, 2007
Faith and the World we Live in

Missions and the Sawi
Missionaries, like Don and Carol, try and change the minds of people, without changing the culture. The goal of a missionary is not to force people under their control, so the can develop foreign thrones of gold where they will sit and drink pineapple juice all day. The goal of a missionary is to forget one self and become obedient to Christ, as he was obedient to the cross. Missionary’s are not out to please themselves, but to please others. What missions do for these people is help them live longer, more physically and spiritually. That is evident from the novel Peace Child, Don once stood up in the middle of a fight to make sure that these people would not die without hearing the true word. And he succeeded too. He stopped the fight, and cured the man that was wounded. That is the work of a true missionary. Like I said before, Missionaries don’t change the culture, they need to change the Word to fit into the culture. The Sawi would never have believed what Don had said had he not linked Jesus to the Peace child. When Don hadn’t mentioned the Peace child, they regarded Judas as the hero. But when the concept of the Peace Child were associated with Jesus, Judas suddenly became the evil one. When missionary’s change themselves for the culture and have every intention of helping it, that’s when God’s plan can be accomplished.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Passage with Significance to me
"I tried to summon courage, the same courage God had given me for past crises, but it was gone, already disintegration g inside a cocoon of despair. I pressed my spirit naked against God, that He might conceive new courage within me. He conceived it and it grew, actually feeding on the despair that killed its predecessor In a few moments it was ready to be born in action. (209)" This is important to me because a lot of times, I feel like this I feel as if I don't have the courage to do what God wants me to do. I know he wants me to be a witness at this school, he wants me to glorify him in my living. But you know how hard that is. To dedicate your body and soul to someone you cannot see. Sometimes the only way I can get by is by drawing near to God and asking him for help. I know that if I don't do that, there is no possible way I can live this life. When struggles come, and they do come, I have to respond to them. One way I can respond is to act angry and hate everyone around me that day, or I can love everyone that day. The latter is more difficult, but its always better. that one God will give you courage if you do it. He will give you the power to resist temptation, so you can find a way from under it.
Difference of Cultures

Sunday, January 21, 2007
What God Wants us to do for Other Cultures
Before Jesus went up to Heaven, he gave this last command to his disciples: “7…it is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."(Acts 1:7) Considering this was Jesus’ last request, I assume this was one thing he really wanted his disciples to do. If I was on a deathbed, and I knew my last breath was coming, I would say something that I want my children to do. Maybe I’d say, “love each other”, or something like that. But what Jesus said was something more important then I could have even said. When Jesus went, we wanted the Joy that he disciples had to be brought to all cultures. And back when Don asked God, “is this it? Is this what You want me to do? (75)" The answer God gave him was yes. God wanted him to go and lead others to Christ, and fulfill his ambition. God explained to him that the world does not resolve around he himself, but it revolves around God, and by serving God you are doing the right thing. We should do what God wants us to do, and God wants us to go tell the world about him. If we don’t, we really cannot be called Christians.
Interesting Ritual

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Changing Cultures
There are a number of things to do when we encounter a culture most unlike our own. The first thing we could do is just immediately regard them as stupid and non-human, much like what traders considered Africans. But just as Africans really didn’t learn anything from the traders except hate, so a cultural will not learn anything from you if regard it as less then you. Lets look at what Don and Carol did. They came in and built a house on a Sawi river without protection. They were EXPOSED. The Sawi could do anything they wanted to Carol or Don. The missionaries didn’t get afraid and instead settled down there, even with the warnings from other tribes. Despite the horror things that continued to go around them, such as bloody fights, a alive man claimed death, and a possible death of their own among crocodiles, they did not give up. Instead of trying to change the cultural to fit the gospel. Don brought the gospel to the Sawi in their own way. He did not try and change their culture. Instead, he tried to change their beliefs. I believe that’s what all of us should do. Instead of trying to put natives in tuxedo’s and putting them in houses and beds, we need to respect how they grew up. You alone cannot change an entire culture, but you can change yourself to accept them. You cannot change the way they live, but you can change your views on what is right.
Faith, Don, Sawi, and me

The Sawi had a different way of faith. For thousands of years their culture had been ok. But when the Tuans came in, they changed. They had to believe and have faith that this new religion which was now about to change their life was accurate. Because Don had faith, the Sawi also developed faith. When Don questioned the first Sawi believer what made him turn to Christ, he replied, “When I saw that God’s Tarop(child) could give you peace even when your two sons had almost drowned, I knew everything you said about Him must be true. I decided he could take care of us too.(200)” Don led an example that the Sawi looked up to and believe him.
My faith is a bit different. Unlike Don Richardson, I’m not relying on God to save my life, but like Don, I rely on God when the times get tough. When I was young, my faith was similar to that of the Sawi. My parents believed something, and because I looked up to them, I believe what they believed, that Jesus died for us. My faith has not been exposed to tough times, so as a result, my faith is not a strong as Don’s, but I believe that over time it will change to grow and mature.
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